Seven men were sentenced for stealing railway tracks in January.PHOTO: supplied
Shaheen Suleiman of Magma Security and Investigation said the seven men were sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment of which three years were suspended.
“Magma investigators received information about three vehicles that were travelling from the Richmond area to Durban via Umlaas Road. Information indicated that these vehicles were carrying suspected stolen property which were railway tracks. Magma Security members immediately responded and spotted the three vehicles approaching the Umlaas Road intersection,” said Suleiman.
He said their officers managed to stop two vehicles which had two occupants in each. Railway tracks of about two meters were found in the two vehicles.
Both men were arrested.
“The third vehicle which disappeared on the N3 towards Durban was intercepted a few minutes later by Magma Security members. This vehicle was also loaded with cut up pieces of railway tracks, gas bottles and a cutting torch. There were three suspects arrested in this vehicle,” Suleiman said.
He said Camperdown SAPS, Pietermaritzburg Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation and Transnet investigators were contacted and the seven men were arrested for theft of infrastructure and being in possession of stolen property and were detained at the Camperdown Police Station.